LinkRbrain had a maximum of users in 2018 with 732 visitors. The map in the background (from piwik.iscpif.fr) shows the origin of the users during 2021. LinkRbrain is used in all the Europe, Austria, USA, China, Israel ...
LinkRbrain: Multi-scale data integrator of the brain
S Mesmoudi, M Rodic, C Cioli, JP Cointet… - Journal of neuroscience …, 2015 - Elsevier
Background LinkRbrain is an open-access web platform for multi-scale data integration and
visualization of human brain data. This platform integrates anatomical, functional, and
genetic knowledge produced by the scientific community. New method The linkRbrain …
LinkRbrain Citations
In search of a naturalistic neuroimaging approach: Exploration of general feasibility through the case of VR-fMRI and application in the domain of episodic memory
D Lenormand, P Piolino - Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 2021 - Elsevier
LENORMAND D. and P. Piolino. In search of a naturalistic neuroimaging approach: Exploration
of general feasibility through the case of VR-fMRI and application in the domain of episodic
memory. NEUROSCI BIOBEHAV REV XX(X) XXX-XXX, 2021. Virtual Reality (VR) is an …
The potential genetic network of human brain SARS-CoV-2 infection
C Lapina, M Rodic, D Peschanski, S Mesmoudi - bioRxiv, 2020 - biorxiv.org
… Hypotheses were drawn using the 20,789 mRNA expressions of the genetic base of Allen
Institute for Brain [15], and on spatial correlations provided by the platform LinkRbrain [17], we
identified the gene networks correlated to ACE2. Finally, we discovered a strong relationship …
The inverse problem in electroencephalography using the bidomain model of electrical activity
AL Rincon, S Shimoda - Journal of neuroscience methods, 2016 - Elsevier
… A spatial comparison is made with fMRI using the linkRBrain platform. … Finally, we compare
the activation in the brain with the registered activation using the LinkRbrain … with data from
the platform LinkRbrain, which is a collection of data that shows the greatest activity in the fMRI …
Regards croisés entre un biologiste et une psychanalyste
Y Burnod - MD Amy, B. Golse, Construction et partage du monde …, 2018 - cairn.info
… , comme Neurosynth de Tal Yarkoni, et LinkRbrain, que nous avons mis au point avec Salma
Mesmoudi, Claudia Cioli et Tal Yarkoni. … , sur des milliers d’articles, grâce à des plateformes
comme Neurosynth et LinkRbrain. Grâce à l’imagerie cérébrale, on connaît de mieux en …
Hyperwriting, a multiscale writing with the method of loci
I Aberkane - Sens public, 2016 - erudit.org
… Mathematical skills at large tap into many visuomotor networks, including cerebellar networks,
as can now be easily reviewed with such integrative platforms as Mesmoudi and Burnod’s
linkrbrain (https://iscpif.fr/blog/projects/linkrbrain-2) automatic literature-crawler and brain-…
[HTML] Function based brain modeling and simulation of an ischemic region in post-stroke patients using the bidomain
A Lopez-Rincon, C Cantu, G Etcheverry, R Soto… - Journal of neuroscience …, 2020 - Elsevier
… The position of the stimuli comes from the selection of the points given by hand motion and
execution of motion in the LinkRBrain database (Fig. ). LinkRBrain contains the information
of thousands of peaks and coordinates from blood-oxygen-level dependent signals, obtained …
Brainhack: a collaborative workshop for the open neuroscience community
R Cameron Craddock, DS Margulies, P Bellec… - …, 2016 - academic.oup.com
… • The linkRbrain [29] tool for integrating and querying neuroimaging data with activation
peaks from the literature and gene expression … • The linkRbrain [29] tool for integrating and
querying neuroimaging data with activation peaks from the literature and gene expression data …
Research sharing-oriented functional neuroimaging named entity recognition
Y Sheng, S Lin, J Gao, X He… - 2019 IEEE International …, 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… LinkRbrain [3] used the CorText platform and a manual selection to identify cognitive tasks
from functional neuroimaging literatures. A. Ben Abacha et al. … Burnod, "LinkRbrain: Multi–scale
data integrator of the brain," Journal of neuroscience methods, vol. 241, pp. 44–52, 2015. …
Spatial mechanisms within the dorsal visual pathway contribute to the configural processing of faces
V Zachariou, CV Nikas, ZN Safiullah, SJ Gotts… - Cerebral …, 2017 - academic.oup.com
… To evaluate the functional contribution of these regions, we performed a meta-analysis
using the linkRbrain database (for the meta-analysis, we uploaded the entire activation pattern
from the right middle frontal gyrus, right middle temporal gyrus and right superior occipital …
Named entity recognition in functional neuroimaging literature
AB Abacha, AGS de Herrera, K Wang… - 2017 IEEE …, 2017 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… linkRbrain [10] identifies cognitive task expressions by using the CorText platform followed
by a manual selection. In this paper, we focus on recognizing named entities that can be
relevant to describe relationships between brain activity and a large number of broad cognitive …
Voluntary control of intracortical oscillations for reconfiguration of network activity
J Corlier, M Valderrama, M Navarrete, K Lehongre… - Scientific reports, 2016 - nature.com
Abstract Voluntary control of oscillatory activity represents a key target in the self-regulation of
brain function. Using a real-time closed-loop paradigm and simultaneous macro-and
micro-electrode recordings, we studied the effects of self-induced intracortical oscillatory activity (4…
Créativité et systèmes complexes
R Orhand, E Kardash, JJ Cheymol… - Les journées de …, 2020 - hal.archives-ouvertes.fr
Ce n’est pas par hasard que Rochebrune est essentiellement un lieu de recherche. Hors de
toutes contraintes institutionnelles, Rochebrune est le lieu du doute et du questionnement de
nos pratiques scientifiques en prise avec les systèmes complexes du physique au social, . ’…
Organisation multi-échelle du cortex humain: des réseaux anatomo-fonctioneles à l'expression des gènes
C Cioli - 2015 - theses.fr
… In this chapter we propose a web-based platform meant to integrate the scientific knowledge
about brain organization called LinkRbrain. In particular in this first version of the platform
we gathered fMRI task-based results (as obtained in Chapter 2), standard anatomical labels (…
Computational and mathematical methods in brain atlasing
WL Nowinski - The neuroradiology journal, 2017 - journals.sagepub.com
… LinkRbrain is a web platform for multi-scale aggregation and visualisation of human brain
data by integrating anatomical, functional and genetic knowledge produced by the scientific
community in a common framework. MultiXplore is a platform for visual dual exploration of …
Multiscale organization of the human cortex: from anatomo-functional cognitive networks to gene expression
C Cioli - 2015 - tel.archives-ouvertes.fr
… In this chapter we propose a web-based platform meant to integrate the scientific knowledge
about brain organization called LinkRbrain. In particular in this first version of the platform
we gathered fMRI task-based results (as obtained in Chapter 2), standard anatomical labels (…
Libérez votre cerveau!: traité de neurosagesse pour changer l'école et la société
I Aberkane - 2016 - books.google.com
… Autre exemple, les plates-formes qui permettent d’accéder facilement aux contenus d’un
très grand nombre de résultats scientifiques, comme Neurosynth ou LinkRbrain pour l’imagerie
cérébrale. En moins d’une heure, des élèves de troisième se sont approprié ces outils pour …
Mind Ergonomy for the Knowledge Economy: software Neuroergonomics and Biomimetics for the Knowledge Economy. Why? How? What?
IJ Aberkane - 2016 - theses.fr
Abstract. Could we flow knowledge faster and better? Why is this a problem in the first place?
How can we tackle it technologically? What could be a prototype solution? This work unifies
these questions in the outline of a single, refutable and improvable paradigm of -the study -“…
The latent semantic space and corresponding brain regions of the functional neuroimaging literature via neurosynth
F Alhazmi, D Beaton, H Abdi - bioRxiv, 2017 - biorxiv.org
Abstract Because terminology varies widely from study-to-study, and even more so from
discipline-to-discipline, the neuroimaging literature is becoming increasingly complex to navigate.
For examples: (1) terminology changes over time (eg, alcoholism to alcohol use disorders)(…
Short title: Latent Semantic Space of Neurosynth
FH Alhazmi - biorxiv.org
Abstract The functional neuroimaging literature has become increasingly complex and thus
difficult to navigate. This complexity arises from the rate at which new studies are published
and from the terminology that varies widely from study-to-study and even more so from -to-. to …
Enregistrer Citer Autres articles
[PDF] Structure-function relationships behind the phenomenon of cognitive resilience in neurology: insights for neuroscience and medicine
D Rudrauf - Advances in Neuroscience, 2014 - downloads.hindawi.com
The phenomenon of cognitive resilience, that is, the dynamical preservation of normal functions
despite neurological disorders, demonstrates that cognition can be highly robust to devastating
brain injury. Here, cognitive resilience is considered across a range of neurological . -…